The Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is set by Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of December 13, 1999, on a Community framework for electronic signatures. QES demonstrate the identity of people signing an electronic document, with stronger guarantees comparing with “physical” signature on a paper.
According to the Italian Law on EU-ETS (D.Lgs. 30/2013), all documents have to sent by email with QES, that means with the digital signature of the Company legal Representative (usually the CEO).
Kataclima support Companies to get QES, with a turn-key proposal, including non Italian Airlines and citizens.
We offer two simple and very effective options:
- Business key (not available in June and July 2013)
- OTP (one time password)
For any technical or commercial detail please write at [email protected].
Payments are accepted through bank account or by credit cards.